Get ready to experience a new era of light


Supercharge your work day with SKYVIEW™— the technology designed to keep astronauts healthy is now here to enhance your day-to-day performance.

Amplified productivity
Improve your productivity
Natural mood boost
Increase your motivation and focus
Enhanced sleep
Feel more awake - no more midday slump
Man working, skyview 2 pro on a table
I’ve always felt there’s no universal panacea for any disorder, but if there was one, it would be light.
Fortune 500 Employee
Woman working, skyview lamp on a desk

This isn't just a light, it's a wellness tool to help you take on your day.

SKYVIEW™ dynamically changes spectrum throughout the day and night - giving you the right light at the right time to help regulate your internal clock.

The SKYVIEW 2 Difference: Enhancing Employee Well-being and Productivity

SKYVIEW is an innovation in wellness lighting, designed to recreate the health benefits of sunlight that enrich your mind, body and space.
Skyview pendant in an office

90% Boost in Focus & Attention

SKYVIEW 2 has been proven to enhance employee productivity resulting in fewer distractions, reduced fatigue, and increased focus on tasks.


90% Boost in Focus & Attention

SKYVIEW 2 has been proven to enhance employee productivity resulting in fewer distractions, reduced fatigue, and increased focus on tasks.

Woman in bed, relaxing, skyview lamp on a night stand

Wake Up Feeling Refreshed

Users experienced improved their overall sleep, falling asleep faster and longer, the same evening after using SKYVIEW.


Wake Up Feeling Refreshed

Users experienced improved their overall sleep, falling asleep faster and longer, the same evening after using SKYVIEW.

Woman working, skyview lamp on a desk

Increase in Productivity

People who used SKYVIEW made fewer mistakes, improving their individual performance by 3x on average compared to their performance under standard ambient lighting.


Increase in Productivity

People who used SKYVIEW made fewer mistakes, improving their individual performance by 3x on average compared to their performance under standard ambient lighting.

Skyview pendant in an office
Woman in bed, relaxing, skyview lamp on a night stand
Woman working, skyview lamp on a desk

Download the SKYVIEW App

Home office, skyview on a table

Plug in your SKYVIEW


Plug in your SKYVIEW

Mobile app setup

Set up your schedule in 2 minutes


Set up your schedule in 2 minutes

Mobile app setup

Lighting settings for mood, work, and sleep


Lighting settings for mood, work, and sleep

Home office, skyview on a table
Mobile app setup
Mobile app setup